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Family Constellations with Laura Lee Paha Episode 2

Family Constellations with Laura Lee Paha

· 44:50

Join our healing journey as we explore family constellations with our expert Laura Lee Paha, who specializes in childhood, family, and ancestral trauma healing through her work facilitating Family Constellations and Theta healing. This episode dives deep into the transformative power of Family Constellations, we dive into the what, the how, the why. With me, Fabi as your host, giving my personal testimony of my experience during a Family Constellations group session Laura Lee facilitated a few weeks ago.

Tune in to The Soul Mythos Podcast and embark on a path of profound healing and liberation.

Laura Lee Paha

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Are you a spiritual guide, healer, or someone with a profound soul story to share? We want to hear from you! Complete our guest application form linked in the show notes. We believe in the power of diverse perspectives and experiences, and we can't wait to feature your unique journey on the podcast.

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