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Ask Adama Episode 1: The Spiritual Nature of Mental Health Episode 3

Ask Adama Episode 1: The Spiritual Nature of Mental Health

· 46:43

This is a recording of a IG LIVE Q&A Session with Marlayna (Modern Mysticism with Marlayna) and Fabi. Marlayna is channeling Ascended Master Adama, High Priest of Telos. 
The topic of this session is the spiritual nature of mental health: why souls choose specific mental illnesses, how to overcome mental illness, and some tips for seeking support from your Higher Guides. 
Tune into future IG LIVEs EVERY WEDNESDAY at 11:30am CDT on Instagram @findingjoywithfabi and @marlayna_mystic
To ask questions from Adama, please put them in the comments, DM Marlayna or Fabi, or tune into our IG LIVES where you may ask your questions live in the chat.

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